Brain trauma is well known to cause varied and often severe emotional, mental and physical consequences for the traumatised individual that worsen with time. Insidious degradation of the brain with age often begins 30 to 50 years prior to the diagnosis (ie. Alzheimer’s). Chronic stress induced up-regulation of brain centres and down-regulation of others may and can lead to anxiety, depression, memory loss, abnormal and obsessive behaviours.


This course will demonstrate and instruct the clinician in the use of low Hz, transcranial vibration stimulus to the skull as a non-invasive, diagnostic provocation for brain. Vibration imparts a ‘quivering or shaking’ stimulus, primarily to the area of the brain that is close to the skull where the vibration is applied. When a flaw in the brain is present, the existing ‘discoherence or central regulatory defect’ is enhanced causing the normal, unconscious, inhibitory efferents from the brain to become dysfunctional and extensor muscle function is disturbed. This abnormal muscle response provides the clinician with a clinical marker whereby therapeutic inputs may be examined for efficacy.

Therapeutic evaluation and treatment is made through the meridian system using simple, non-invasive manipulation methods combined with transcranial magnetic stimulus over the skull area overlying the dysfunctional brain. Acupuncture and meridian treatment for post-traumatic brain injury is well-documented.

Coupled with herbal therapy input designed specifically for brain recovery (Danial Amen MD, et al),the therapeutic input is simple & effective leading to enhanced patient brain recovery and function.


  1. The primary objective of the course is to provide the practitioner with viable, effective methods for evaluation and treatment of post-traumatic brain injury using transcranial vibration stimulus and muscle meridian therapy.
  2. The secondary objectives are: The clinical evaluation of various functional disturbances as a result of the up/down regulation of hemispheric areas: anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, memory & learning disabilities, chemical/drug induced dysfunction and early detection of brain degradation and dysregulation with age.



  1. Muscle testing methods revealing central discoherence patterns in central regulatory balance are taught. Neurologic extensor muscle tests:
  • Upper extremity posterior postural muscles innervated superior to T7
  • Lower extremity anterior postural muscles innervated below T7
  1. Application of varied peripheral & central nervous system stimuli causing central discoherence and extensor muscle dysfunction.


  1. Transcranial hemispheric vibration theory, application and extensor muscle dysfunction conclusions.
  2. B & E (Meridian beginning and end point) and meridian tract discussion. Meridian theory, stimulation of meridians, concept of muscle meridians.


  1. Transcranial vibration effects on ipsilateral & contralateral muscle responses.
  2. Abnormal muscle response following transcranial stimulus with B&E point counter stimulus. Muscle meridian evaluation for therapeutic input. Application of muscle meridian manipulation and localised, skull transcranial magnetic application.


  1. Discussion and theory of memory, memory suppression and adverse memory suppression.
  • the role of the pre-frontal, medial temporal and hippocampal structures
  • hippocampus ‘forgets-to-remember-to-forget’
  • theories in modern psychology for memory degradation and failure to suppress.
  1. Advanced, coupled brain stimulus procedures for ‘early warning’, coupled with transcranial vibration:
  • antero & retrograde memory patterning for pre-Alzheimer’s/dementia evaluation
  • injury recall and the ‘over-protective mother’ syndrome following severe injury
  • cerebellar provocation procedures and movements


Final discussion and questioning


The course is ideal for all therapists with a manual background such as osteopaths, physiotherapists, physiotherapists and chiropractors. An in-depth basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and manual skills are a basic requirement, a preliminary training in kinesiology is necessary.

No previous education is required within Orthomolecular Therapy and clinical PNI. Although the course can also be followed remotely, we advise everyone to attend the course live.



Dates to be announced.

This is a training series of 6 teaching days.


Op vrijdag van 9u00 tot 17u30

Op zaterdag van 9u00 tot 16u30

Totaal aantal lesuren: 39


Adequat Business Center, Brusselsesteenweg 159, 9090 Melle


Live: €1575, including:

  • PNI lunch
  • coffee/tea
  • teaching materials
  • review link that is valid for 2 months

All prices mentioned are subject to interim changes.

You can read the general terms and conditions, cancellation policy and what to do if you need to catch up on a lesson here.

You can also follow these three modules virtually via livestream. 


You will have access to the online learning platform of kPNI Belgium on Huddle. Lesson materials, Zoom links, and replay links will be shared there.

The replay link, available shortly after each class day, allows you to (re)watch each lesson and will remain valid up untill 2 months.

Your access to the learning platform will be activated in the week before the start of the course and will remain available to you until one year after the course begins.

You will receive an invitation in your inbox once your access is activated. Be sure to check your spam and promotions folders as well.

Please note: access is linked to the email address you used to register for the course.

If you already have an account, the course will be added to your existing account.


Dr. Joseph Shafer has a background as chiropractor. He has further refined this well-known methodology from applied kinesiology and has been training therapists worldwide for more than 30 years on the basis of a straightforward step-by-step plan. Among other things, he earned his stripes at AC Milan in the renowned Milan Lab.

Thomas D’havé, founder of kPNIBelgium &, has been bringing this world authority to Belgium for more than 15 years, first to the International Academy of Osteopathy and now to kPNIBelgium because he experiences the enormous value of technology on a daily basis, in daily practice.


De kmo-portefeuille geeft 30% korting op jouw inschrijving en is een subsidie voor Vlaamse ondernemingen. Voor onze opleidingen kan die uitsluitend aangevraagd worden door medici, paramedici, osteopaten, homeopaten, accupuncturisten en chiropractors.

Let op: De kmo-portefeuille is van toepassing op opleidingen en dus niet toepasbaar op examens.

Wil je nagaan of jouw onderneming in aanmerking komt voor de kmo-portefeuille?

Aan de hand van de checklist van Vlaio ontdek je of je binnenkort deze subsidie kan aanvragen.

Voldoet jouw onderneming aan de 5 voorwaarden en wil je een beroep doen op de kmo-portefeuille?

Start dan je aanvraag aan de hand van de factuur die je van ons ontvangt. Je kan je aanvraag indienen tot ten laatste 2 weken na het begin van de opleiding.

Deze stappen zijn belangrijk om je aanvraag succesvol te laten verlopen:

  1. Start jouw aanvraag hier.
  2. Selecteer het juiste departement: KPNI Belgium VZW
  3. Geef bij ‘naam opleiding’ de exacte naam van de opleiding in die je terugvindt op je factuur!
  4. Geef bij bedrag het bedrag exclusief btw in.
  5. Selecteer het juiste DV-nummer! Dat is: KPNIBelgium VZW (België): DV.O217895

Voor meer info, klik hier.

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